Prostate Pedallers Blog

Whipsnade Road Trip Loop


A warm early morning greeted the four Pedallers as they assembled in Whipsnade. All looked fit (well sort of) and raring to go (well some of us). A new experience for Darth as he mounted a road bike for the first time and marvelled at the tyres which were a similar width to an elastic band! A very different experience from the usual behemoth hefty e-bike.


Well, 28 miles lay ahead of ups and downs and undulations! A varied ride including two stop offs took the group to Kennel Lane, past Luton Hoo and onto Peters Green. Gadget Tony had a small altercation with the tarmac on the hill by Luton Hoo but luckily Tony and all the gadgets were in one piece! The 4th emergency had been called (Mrs Tony), using technology that the average Pedaller can't comprehend, but they were stood down on the good news that we were ready to get on our way. Hills up and hills down followed as we headed through Harpenden and wound our way onto the Nickey Line for the first stop at the Redbourn bike shop for a spoke repair. An opportune moment to sneak off to the Hub, sit in the sun and grab a coffee.


With a repaired bike, the team cycled around the corner to the Redbourn Motor Show on the Common for our second stop. We drooled over many of the cars and waxed lyrical about times gone by - the Capri Ghia’s long bonnet and seats that went all the way back….ahhh the good old days! Having discussed that this show was an ideal spot for the Prostate Pedaller gazebo and the need to arrange next years event, we went on our merry way.


A few hills awaited us as we made our way back to Whipsnade via Gaddesdon Row and Studham. With 28 miles under our belts we welcomed the sight of home and the thought of a beer in the sun.


A great route, great company and great fun!