Prostate Pedallers Blog

Ride Out to Jordan's Mill

The first ride out of the year took advantage of the beautiful Spring weather and saw a 9 strong Pedaller posse leave at 10am. Heading off from Whipsnade and picking up 3 Pedallers along the way, the group of 12 wound its way through Ireland (!) and Woburn, avoiding the over zealous stags, and onto Biggleswade to complete the 35 mile trip.


The café at Jordan's Mill was a very welcome sight as some much needed food and drinks were ordered. Some Pedallers were brave and strong enough to cycle all the way back but most took advantage of the pre-planned car and trailer drop off from the night before. Most were back home by 6.30pm and ready for a nice glass of wine or a cold beer or two. Very well deserved.


What a perfect day!