Prostate Pedallers Blog

Redbourn and Rothamsted Ride


A more traditonal Wobbler ride as we were out on a Wednesday this week. Jim, Ivan, Andy and Michael (now known as Mikey) met up at the WW HQ (The Oval in Harpenden). Due to holidays there was much to catch up on and after 30 minutes there was no sign of cycling whatsover. The other issue was of the tech nature as Jim was busy installing Strava and Komoot on Mikey's phone.


Eventually we were underway and on the Nickey Line with a slightly longer trip planned than last week. One of our many mottos is we can always achieve more than we think we are capable of. It is a mental issue as much as it is a physical one. Us PP's have proved this time after time with some outstanding achievements over the years.


The mid-week rides are a great way to build up fitness whether you are a newbie to cycling or a seasoned cyclist recovering from treatment. The group rides at the pace of the slowest cyclist - it's never a race, this isn't what the Pedallers are all about.


We went at a gentle pace as Mikey our new member gains confidence and strength. We cycled around Redbourn in the sun and then back to the Nickey Line, taking a sharp right through Rothamsted estate. A couple of brief stop offs to have a traditional PP pee (!) and another to admire the Manor and have a chat.  We cycled off down into the park and then back up to re-join the Nickey Line and onto HQ with a distance of 11 miles covered.


Ivan and Andy shared a cake (not as romantic as it sounds!) and Mikey had his croissant toasted - rather controversial and a Wobbler first! Jim made do with a pre-ride banana and a remarkably small chocolate bar post ride. What you may notice about our blogs is that we sometimes describe what we consume as much as we describe our cycling! Our millions of readers insist on it. Well, it might not be millions....


Anyway, enough ticked the PP boxes. Bringing along a new Pedaller, getting out on our bikes for some exercise and having a good chat and heart to heart throughout. Oh and not forgetting a few laughs and the coffee and cake!