Prostate Pedallers Blog

Pedalling, Planning and Pies!


Winter is definitely upon us as weary Pedallers climbed out of bed this morning to face freezing temperatures and thick fog. The sun may have stayed low but spirits were high as the group gathered together at The Old School House.


While the majority of the group huddled in the warmth, there were some more hardy Pedallers, Tony, Mike and Jim, who braved the conditions and battled through almost 20 miles heading out of Whipsnade and back. To say they returned cold is an understatement as an icy handshake with Jim sent a shiver down various spines! All groups need diverse skills and the PP's are no exception so while the hardy 3 were cycling the indoor crew poured over the map of France and a lively discussion about our 2024 cycling trip to France ensued. 


The non riders were relieved at the sight of the thawing three, not only to know that they were safe but mainly as this meant that they no longer had to just stare at the pie and cakes - they could be attacked and attacked they were!


Bob's speciality, cherry pie, had been enhanced with raspberries this week and was wolfed down with custard and gusto in record time. Delicious. Not content with that, Mike's excellent home baked lemon drizzle cake was finished off in similar fashion and all washed down with cafetieres of coffee.


While all this sounds just great, and it was of course, was it just a dress rehearsal for our Xmas party next week?  A long walk - to a pub of course - with a fab lunch planned back at Charles' place. A full report on that to come!!


Great company, great cakes and great things to look forward to. The Pedaller life is not too shoddy right?