Prostate Pedallers Blog

Exploring the Forest Pedaller Style


The Saturday Pedaller crew re-grouped at Ashridge House this weekend. Starting off at the car park, Jim led the team through the forest riding across and past the top of Tom's hill.


Descending down and round the back of Aldbury and across the fields heading towards the back of the golf course up the steep approach. Then off towards 'the steps' which only 50% of the riders managed to complete successfully (although one being on an E-mtb) well done Jim. A bit of meandering through the forest trying to find the way back to Ashridge House - not always easy due to the size of the Forest and many trees and views looking very similar! 


Several large fallen trees blocked the trails so bike dismounts were in order to continue on. Eventually the group were relieved to see the House and Bakehouse Café.  Customary coffee and cake were taken after the 10 mile ride and the dry ground and total lack of mud was's been far too long since we've seen that!